Global Resorts Network (GRN) Mind over Matter

Released on = April 30, 2007, 1:51 pm

Press Release Author = Randall Neale

Industry = Small Business

Press Release Summary = If you have ever heard of "The Secret" movie, the law of
attraction can play an integral part in your success.

Press Release Body = There are instances that can be documented of how important it
is to be positive in Randy and Courtney Neale's lives.

"Before joining Global Resorts Network (GRN), my wife and I have experienced
first hand, the effects of positive and negative attitudes on our business success."
Randy says.

"When we first started our mortgage business we were so excited to finally be on our
own and make real money. We came up with all kinds of ideas for marketing and
making our business grow. I remember it was like clock-work. We would literally
print, fold, and stuff letters and mail them to government mortgage holders. We
would only send out, maybe 300 letters and we would get all kinds of calls in just a
few days and end up making well over $10,000 that month." Randy states.

"We then figured out that we needed to increase our marketing efforts and have
someone else do it for us (now that we had the money to do so). Again, we would
mail out the letters and we expected to get the calls and close deals. After a
while though, for some reason we would get depressed and doubt our efforts."

"As soon as we felt doubt and depressed, it was amazing how we would send out
letters and my phone would not ring, we wouldn't get any response back whatsoever
and then everything after that would start going down-hill." Courtney remembers.

Prior to Global Resorts Network (GRN) Randy and Courtney had another home
based business and experienced the same effects of both positive and negative energy
on that business.

"We had counters in place to tract the number of visitors to both our website and
our blog for another business and went through up and downs with that business as

"Courtney and I were very excited about this new opportunity and we had our website
and were marketing it heavily. We would get phone calls and all kinds of hits to
our site and our blog. Things were going great. Then the company started having
problems with the FCC and we started picking it apart in our conversations." Randy

"At that point it seemed like a light-switch was turned off. As soon as we had a
negative attitude, we didn't have anyone visit our website and Courtney checked the
graph showing the number of visitors. The graph literally Flat-Lined at zero for
seven days and those were the exact days that we were negative. We decided together
that if we didn't change our attitudes we were going to go absolutely no where. It
was at that point, twenty four hours after we changed our mindset, we started
getting hits to our website, my phone was ringing off the hook again and we were
making money. Needless to say, the company tanked, but we kept that positive
attitude and carried it with us to the Global Resorts Network (GRN)." Randy says
with a smile.

"Courtney and I have a great attitude and coupled with Global Resorts
positive business model, we have never been this happy. We are now
completely out of the mortgage business making a lot more money with a lot less
effort. The Perpetual Leverage compensation plan is making it possible to spend
time with our baby girl, Maddison, and we have time to enjoy our lives." Randy

For more information on Global Resorts Network (GRN), Perpetual Leverage, browse the
resorts registry and see how Team Visible Wealth is there to make all their members
very successful, please visit

Keep a positive attitude and watch what happens.

Web Site =

Contact Details = Contact: Randy and Courtney Neale

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